8 Most technologically advanced cities in Africa


As of my last update in January 2022, several cities in Africa are emerging as hubs of technological innovation and development.

While the level of technological advancement may vary across these cities, here are eight cities that are considered among the most technologically advanced in Africa:

  1. Cape Town, South Africa: Cape Town is known for its vibrant tech startup ecosystem, with numerous innovative companies and tech hubs. It’s home to initiatives like Silicon Cape and Bandwidth Barn, which support entrepreneurship and technology development. The city also boasts a high level of internet connectivity and digital infrastructure.
  2. Johannesburg, South Africa: Johannesburg is a major economic and technological hub in Africa, with a thriving tech scene and numerous technology companies and startups. It’s home to initiatives like the Johannesburg Centre for Software Engineering (JCSE) and the Tshimologong Precinct, a technology innovation hub.
  3. Nairobi, Kenya: Nairobi is often referred to as the “Silicon Savannah” due to its burgeoning tech ecosystem. The city hosts numerous tech startups, innovation hubs, and accelerators like iHub and Nailab. Nairobi is also known for its mobile money innovation, with the success of platforms like M-Pesa.
  4. Lagos, Nigeria: Lagos is Nigeria’s economic capital and a major center for technology and innovation in Africa. It’s home to a vibrant tech startup ecosystem, with initiatives like Co-Creation Hub (CcHub) and the Lagos Tech Cluster. Lagos also boasts a large pool of tech talent and a growing number of technology companies.
  5. Accra, Ghana: Accra is emerging as a hub for technology and innovation in West Africa. The city hosts tech hubs and innovation centers like Impact Hub Accra and the Ghana Innovation Hub. Accra is also known for its growing community of tech startups and entrepreneurs.
  6. Kigali, Rwanda: Kigali is rapidly developing into a technology hub in East Africa, known for its progressive policies and initiatives to promote innovation and entrepreneurship. The city hosts the Kigali Innovation City, a flagship project aimed at fostering technology-driven economic development.

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  1. Cairo, Egypt: Cairo is one of the largest and most technologically advanced cities in Africa, with a growing startup ecosystem and digital infrastructure. The city hosts technology parks and innovation centers like the Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (TIEC) and the Smart Village.
  2. Cape Town, South Africa: Cairo is one of the largest and most technologically advanced cities in Africa, with a growing startup ecosystem and digital infrastructure. The city hosts technology parks and innovation centers like the Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (TIEC) and the Smart Village.

These cities are at the forefront of technological innovation and development in Africa, driving economic growth, entrepreneurship, and digital transformation across the continent.


Africa as a continent is poised to become the next focus in urbanization. The parameters are enough to support this claim. In the next couple of years, Africa will be the most populous continent in the world, with much of this population being an active and vibrant workforce.

Also, most African cities have begun to become renowned for their advancement in technology.

Smart cities are emerging across Africa. Such cities like the Park which is a self-sufficient city in South Africa, which is being developed and funded by Urb. The Park when completed will be able to generate 100 percent of its water, energy and food.

Africa is indeed becoming a technological hub, and as I said earlier, the world is turning back to Africa for the next technological and human advancement.

Africa will become the choicest continent to test the fourth industrial revolution.